
How to Establish an Award

Together, we build something greater

Establishing an Award at CNA!

Together, we can make a difference!

College of the North Atlantic has a streamlined process for engaging donors in establishing an award.

The college offers opportunities to students in many programs to compete for a variety of awards.

Steps taken in establishing an award at CNA


Considering the parameters of the award

A donor may designate and determine the criteria of the scholarship to desired specifications including:

  • Campus location(s) for the award
  • Program(s) for the award
  • Type of award
    • Achievement Award
    • Scholarship
    • Bursary
    • Distinction Award
  • Criteria such as academic merit, financial need, student leadership etc.
  • Value
  • Number of recipients


Drafting the Criteria

The next step in the process generally includes a meeting or email to further discuss the donor’s and College’s expectations for the award. Based on the donor input, the college then provides a draft description and criteria for approval. Once agreed upon, it will be submitted in the Awards Handbook and distributed to students at registration and posted on the college website. Award application deadline is generally mid-January. However, some donors have specific dates when they want awards issued and CNA is committed to working with individual donors in this manner.


Awarding the Scholarships

The college will conduct the scholarship administration, including the application and selection process (unless the donor wishes to be involved in this process). As the donor, you will be invited to present the award to the student recipient at the annual scholarships awards ceremony. Here, you will have the opportunity to meet the students who have been selected to receive the award(s).


Determine the Type of Funding
  • Annual Contribution – a donor supplies an annual sum of money toward the award(s). The entire donation is disbursed directly to the student(s) selected. The College will make contact with donor annually regarding continued support.
  • Pledge – a donor pledges to supply a specific sum of money annually for a fixed period of time toward award(s). Each year of the pledge, the entire donation is disbursed directly to student(s) selected. The college mails out pledge reminders to donors each year for the term of the pledge.
  • Endowment – a donor supplies a lump sum of money which is held in a long-term investment account. The principal of the endowed fund shall be retained, administered and managed by the college in accordance with its investment policy. Endowed funds generally are meant to exist in perpetuity; therefore the awards must be derived from the annual residual that is generated from the principal investment. Additional gifts may be added to the endowment at any time.



Each year, donors have the opportunity to review the award details and criteria. As well, donors are always invited to other special events and activities that take place at College of the North Atlantic. Please note that this template represents a guideline and can be modified when necessary to meet the needs of the individual donor.

Definitions of Awards

Achievement Award

Monetary award given in recognition of academic excellence, leadership and community / college involvement.


Monetary award given in recognition of academic excellence.


Monetary award given in recognition of financial need and academic merit.

Distinction Award

An award given in recognition of a variety of qualities. Some examples would be but are not limited to: passion for learning, demonstrated initiative, significant contribution to class, good work ethic, positive attitude, willingness to help others and/or a strong desire to succeed.

Memorial Award

Many families and businesses have decided to honour the legacy of loved ones and colleagues by providing donations or awards in their names. If you would like to join this special group of contributors, we welcome the opportunity to discuss.

Eligibility criteria for awards

Achievement Award or Scholarship

  1. Candidates must be in clear academic standing with a minimum weighted/overall average of 75%.
  2. At least 80% of the credits accumulated at the point of consideration for awards must have been obtained at the college.
  3. Courses which are not included in the requirements for graduation will not be included in the calculation of the weighted /overall average.
  4. Candidates must have attained a passing grade in ALL courses being considered in establishing weighted average. Marks obtained in supplementary exams will be considered in the calculation of the weighted/overall average.
  5. In cases where the student repeats a course, the best earned grade will stand for calculation of the weighted/overall average.

Bursary or Distinction Award

  1. Candidates must be in clear academic standing with a minimum weighted/overall average of 60%, except in cases where the minimum grading basis is higher. (i.e. in Industrial Trades and Primary Care Paramedicine it is 70%). The weighted average will be used except in cases where programs use an overall average.
  2. At least 80% of the credits accumulated at the point of consideration for awards must have been obtained at the college.
  3. Courses which are not included in the requirements for graduation will not be included in the calculation of the weighted overall/average.
  4. Candidates must have attained a passing grade in ALL courses being considered in establishing weighted average. Marks obtained in supplementary exams will be considered in the calculation of the weighted overall/average.
  5. In cases where the student repeats a course, the best-earned grade will stand for calculation of the weighted/overall average.

Download Brochure: Establishing Awards at CNA!

College of the North Atlantic has a streamlined process for engaging donors in establishing an award.

Lacks Heading
Mailing Address
1 Prince Philip Drive
PO Box 1693
St. John’s, NL A1C 5P7
Physical Location
425 Topsail Road
St. John’s, NL
Regular Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Summer Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:30 am to 4:00 pm