Course Evaluations are used to solicit feedback from students on various aspects of their courses taken during a semester of their studies. As part of this questionnaire, students are asked questions pertaining to their experience in their learning environment. This feedback is then used to;
Stay tuned for the next launch of the Course Evaluation Survey in November/March
What is a course evaluation?
It is a questionnaire which allows you to evaluate your courses. The results of the questionnaire will
help facilitate constructive recommendations in the institution, and improve teaching in the
Why are course evaluations so important?
Your feedback will help the college improve the learning experience in the classroom. Evaluations
allow your instructors to understand their strengths and weaknesses and enhance their teaching
and courses accordingly.
What does the Course Evaluation Questionnaire look like?
The course evaluation is administered in an online format. It is divided into four sections which
cover the course, instructor for that course, lab (if applicable) and external placement (e.g.,
practicum, if applicable). Questions include agree rating scale statements and the total number of
questions to answer will depend on the program you are taking (i.e. lab versus no lab).
Are the Course Evaluation Questionnaires the same for all programs?
The course evaluation questionnaires are in the same format for all programs, with the exception of
Industrial Trades. Industrial Trades students will be provided with a program-based questionnaire
instead of a course-based questionnaire. Evaluations will still be in the same format, but they will be
evaluating the program as a whole instead of each course due to the high number of courses taken
each term.
Where will the Course Evaluation Questionnaire be located?
The course evaluation questionnaire will be sent to your College email address. When opening the
email, a link will be enclosed which will bring you directly to the questionnaire. Once the
questionnaire is open, each course you are taking (or program for Industrial Trades) will be available
to click on. Every course, and instructor pertaining to that course, will be available for evaluation.
You can complete evaluations for all courses at once or can save and continue at a later time. If
students are unable to find their invitation email, they can also login directly to their
survey dashboard
using their CNA login credentials.
Can the Course Evaluations be completed on a mobile device?
Yes, as long as you have access to a wireless network.
When can we start completing the evaluations?
During Fall, the evaluations will be open the last two weeks in November, and during Winter, the last two weeks in March. Watch your CNA email for official launch details.
Will it affect final grades?
Course evaluations do not affect student grades in any way. Results are not released to anyone
(instructors, administrators, etc.) until after final grades are issued.
How secure are the responses?
The questionnaire is being administered in a confidential manner and any personal information
collected in this survey will only be known to the Institutional Research (IR) Office and will only be
used by the IR Office for analytical purposes. The final reports will not contain, nor refer to, any
personal information or personal identifiers.
Who will see the results?
College Deans and Campus Administrators will see the results for all courses within their respective
School/Campus. Individual instructors will see results only for the courses/program they teach.
How will the results be used?
Data collected from the questionnaire will be used by faculty, Campus Administrators and Deans to
foster teaching improvement and by departments for institutional recommendations. Student
evaluations provide a useful summary in order to improve teaching, course/program offerings,
curriculum, and instructional support.
Are online course evaluation results valid and reliable?
Response rates do affect the level of confidence in the accuracy of data, especially for classes that
have very few students. The more students participating in the evaluation, the more accurate the
results will be.
What to do in case of technological difficulties?
If you have trouble accessing the evaluations, please re-check your invitation email and perhaps try
accessing the survey using the embedded link in a new web browser window. Students can also
login directly to their
survey dashboard
using their CNA login credentials
If there are still issues with accessing the evaluations, please email
Who to contact if there are more questions?
If you have additional questions about the course evaluation questionnaire, please contact
Institutional Research & Planning at
Any questions or access issues can be shared to a member of the Institutional Research & Planning (IRP) team by emailing